Melina North, the third sister in the talented Northern Highlands family makes her debut by winning the girls race in 10:40 with Highlands teammates Haley Sobel (11:00) and Evan Goldstein (11:10) right behind. ... Big sister Alex started her senior year at Syracuse with an eighth place finish in the Harry Lang Invitational. ... Katherine Rodriguez and Leslie Castro go 1-2 for Passaic in the girls race but Clifton takes the next seven spots and beats the Indians, 25-36.
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I`d been put off the Discworld novels by their covers, which looked too hysterical for me. But I picked up `Wyrd Sisters` in the library one day and read ... In `Wyrd Sisters` the three witches prevent soldiers from killing a baby on the moor at night, and on discovering a crown in the bundle of wrappings, realise they have to hide the child. And the crown? Can it be hidden too? “Oh, that`s easy,” .... Katherine Langrish September 2010. Posted by Katherine Langrish at 06:49.
Of course, in hindsight, I could have set my Greek gods and monsters from the Seven Fabulous Wonders in an American summer camp (like Percy Jackson), or put King Arthur`s daughter and Avalon in space (like the other& ...
When Nicholas is a teen ager and his sister Katherine barely seven, their father surrenders his house to Parliament. When the Royalists arrive, they shoot him as a traitor. Nicholas leaves to fight for the King, leaving behind a& ...
Melina North, the third sister in the talented Northern Highlands family makes her debut by winning the girls race in 10:40 with Highlands teammates Haley Sobel (11:00) and Evan Goldstein (11:10) right behind. ... Big sister Alex started her senior year at Syracuse with an eighth place finish in the Harry Lang Invitational. ... Katherine Rodriguez and Leslie Castro go 1-2 for Passaic in the girls race but Clifton takes the next seven spots and beats the Indians, 25-36.
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