Swirling Flashes Of Light Doreen Virtue

But then, we don`t necessarily have to believe in God or the Universe to call on an angel for help, says Doreen Virtue, a spiritual doctor of psychology and fourth-generation metaphysician. ..... There were days when negative judgments would have painted the picture of my life as hell, if my heart-of-hearts hadn`t recognized the light in the darkness was heaven. ... We`re surrounded by so much water…and with that come all the swirling energy in the earth and the sky. swirling flashes of light doreen virtue Doreen Virtue. a message from Doreen Virtue. Thursday, 11 December, 2008. 2705 views, 2 ... The next thing I remember, we were spinning across the two lanes on our side of the undivided highway and into those of oncoming traffic. The car was a two-door, and I was in the back. ... I began praying and asking Archangel Michael for protection—and then miraculously, like a flash, our car slid back across our lanes and came to rest in a soft bank of snow. Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Have angels ever healed you or someone you love? Angel expert Doreen Virtue regularly contacts angels and has written numerous books on the celestial communication and heavenly messages she receives. When she& ...
A swirling sea of divine sparks shrouded in shadow, some seen as submerged and others emerging. ... We too, as students and servants of the vast divinity within, can offer our share of light to any members of the devic hierarchy. ... As Geoffrey Hodson pointed out over eighty years ago in The Brotherhood Of Angels and Men, and others such as William Bloom, Doreen Virtue and Timothy Wyllie have repeated more recently, we are destined to complement each& ...
But then, we don`t necessarily have to believe in God or the Universe to call on an angel for help, says Doreen Virtue, a spiritual doctor of psychology and fourth-generation metaphysician. ..... There were days when negative judgments would have painted the picture of my life as hell, if my heart-of-hearts hadn`t recognized the light in the darkness was heaven. ... We`re surrounded by so much water…and with that come all the swirling energy in the earth and the sky.
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