Nissen KK, Laska MJ, Hansen B, Terkelsen T, Villesen P, Bahrami S, Petersen T, Pedersen FS, Nexø BA .Endogenous retroviruses and multiple sclerosis--new pieces to the puzzle.BMC Neurol. 2013;13(1):111. [Epub ahead& ...
research on ms
METHODS:Baseline data on 123 children with a first episode of acute central nervous system demyelination were collected. The initial diagnosis according to the International Pediatrics Multiple Sclerosis study group was& ...
Hashemi H, Behzadi S, Ghanaati H, Harirchian MH, Yaghoobi M, Shakiba M, Jalali AH, Firouznia K.Evaluation of plaque detection and optimum time of enhancement in acute attack multiple sclerosisafter contrast injection.
Asadollahi S, Fakhri M, Heidari K, Zandieh A, Vafaee R, Mansouri B. Cigarette smoking and associated risk of multiple sclerosis in the Iranian population. J Clin Neurosci. 2013 Aug. doi:pii: S0967-5868(13)00182-3.
Nissen KK, Laska MJ, Hansen B, Terkelsen T, Villesen P, Bahrami S, Petersen T, Pedersen FS, Nexø BA .Endogenous retroviruses and multiple sclerosis--new pieces to the puzzle.BMC Neurol. 2013;13(1):111. [Epub ahead& ...
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